Wednesday 2 October 2013

Sweet Chilli Sausage and Vegetable Salmagundi

So I haven't gone mad and made up a new word! A 'salmagundi' describes an assortment, hodgepodge, medley or melange if you will and is the perfect name for this little beaut of a dish.

I thought this recipe up quite by chance as I awoke blurry eyed one morning and raided my fridge for something substantial and warming to eat for breakfast. The result... this salmagundi(!!) of lovely vibrant vegetables fried up together with some delightful pieces of sweet spicy sausage meat plus some herbs and spices for extra flavour. 

What's great about this little salmagundi (warming to it right?) is its versatility and ease of preparation. It only takes around 20 minutes from fridge to plate and its ingredients can be adapted to whatever you happen to have in your own fridge.

Although sweet chilli sausage works exceptionally well in this dish, any old sausage could be used in this recipe together with whatever vegetables you happen to have to hand (squash and courgette would be welcomed here). While cooking this I was contemplating slapping a poached egg on top but was in too much anticipation to eat it as it was! A poached or fried egg aside or atop a sausage or sausageless salmagundi however would make a deeeelish vegetarian version. Recipe...

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Plan B

Unfortunately I (Sara) cannot take the credit for this beautiful creation, it was my Mum’s work! 

It’s book group tonight and Mum is the hostess. She made lots of very tasty looking nibbles(including tuna fishcakes which were delicious!)and wanted a wee something sweet to go with coffees. After having made some oaty, chocolatey cookies which didn’t quite turn out to plan, we started hunting for something else.

Lemon drizzle cake is a firm favourite of mine so when we came across a tray bake version we were sold, so with a few hours to spare panic was averted! Instead of keeping it to the original recipe, we decided to add some raspberries in too. Sponge + lemon + sugar + raspberries...what’s not to love?! I’m hoping there will be a wee square left over tomorrow - unlikely!!


Friday 20 September 2013

Meal of the Day

Todays lunch was just a load of random bits and bobs thrown together but ended up being ever so colourful and of course, tasty! The best thing about this is you don't need to decide on one thing for lunch, you can eat them all!

Most of the ingredients are fairly obvious; cucumber, tomatoes, mixed salad leaves, sliced avocado, red and yellow peppers and segments of nectarine. The two cheeses are bavarian smoked and a wadge of a goats cheese round. The ambiguous pink lump beside the tomatoes is in fact Brussels pate and the  mystery meat, which goes ever so well with the nectarine may I add, is parma ham.

As you will learn,  for me (Sophie), a meal is not a meal without some form of carbohydrate present, therefore this delightful array of lunch bits was accompanied by a white pitta and a bowl of garlic and chilli oil and balsamic for dipping said pitta. Oh and plus a couple of crackers as a vehicle for the pate, obvs!



Hi everyone! We are Sara and Sophie posting for the first time on our new blog Sass and Scran! This is our blog to share with you everything food that takes our fancy; from recipes we have created and made our own to those tried and tested by others and posts of our favourite meals out. 

Loved by some, hated by others, the name 'Sass and Scran' came to us as a way to combine our interest in style and food with reference to being Scottish. The two of us have known each other since high school and having now both graduated from university we're so pleased to finally be getting the blog started. We've both always loved food and thought about making our own food blogs for a long time and teaming has motivated us to finally make it happen!

That's enough about us for now! We look forward to posting our exciting foodie finds in the coming days!